third week as an intern
Hi assalamualaikum //waalaikumussalam

Differ to what I learn during degree, here I will be using Visual Basic programming language and SCPI commands as I need to "communicate" with instruments like power meter. Not gonna lie, I do feel overwhelmed but excited(?) because I think it is kinda interesting. That is what I can say after just 3 week here. Hahahahah we'll see how later.
oh and I have to do WFH once a week. Usually its on Wednesday and oh boyyyy i do like WFH so much hahahaha. I feel like its a break in the middle of the week. Now I'm starting to worry how will it be if WFH is not needed can I survive a whole week lol drama
To my gang gang who are doing internship in this semester, lets get the 4 flat! hahahah to those who are doing fyp, I pray the best for you guys and those who already finish and have started looking for job may Allah ease you guys~ I will be following soon hahahah.
Until next post, take care everyone <3
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