Getting my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

July 12, 2021

Hi assalamualaikum! /waalaikumussalam

So its July, the last month of my internship. The last post updated here was during my 3rd week of internship and now its already the 24th week, pheww.

Just a quick update: Finally I've got my first dose of Covid-19 vaccine after months of waiting. I registered for the AstraZeneca vaccine (when the government open the registration for the second batch, May this year) but only my mum and I manage to get the date for it.

However, while waiting for my appointment date, my family and I were tested positive for the coronavirus disease :) I was about to cancel my appointment in Mysejahtera app, when JKJAV released statement that ex-COVID patient can get vaccine whenever they are free from the virus due to the new variant of the virus. If I do cancel the appointment, only God knows when will I get the new appointment date :)

So my appointment is on 10th July at Dewan Gemilang, UKM Bangi. I arrived at 12.45pm, filled in the forms, check my temperature, go to 2 counter to confirm my attendance and to ask question (if any) and wait for my turn to jab. This only took me 10 minutes! There are many volunteers that ushered me on where to go next/what to do so I don't feel lost throughout the process. My hunger for social interaction has resulted in me not breaking eye contact at all (sounds creepy as hell) and I keep on saying thank you for no reason to the volunteers there.

Before the jab, the doctor showed the filled syringe and said that I will be getting 0.5ml of AZ vaccine. During jab, I couldn't take my eyes off the syringe, just to make sure the vaccine actually went inside my body hahaha. I couldn't help but to have doubt because there are some people who did not get the vaccine even tough they have been 'jabbed'.

All the process took me about 30 minutes, including 15 minutes of observation period. There are photo booth provided, but quite a lot of people are queueing so I don't even bother to take any picture. Probably will go through the queue when I get my second dose in 9 weeks heheh.

Post vaccine update: slight fever during night, but it cools down rapidly after I took paracetamol. Other than that, nothing much alhamdulillah.

So, fist bump to my fellow AZ clan! And to my friends who did not yet get the appointment date, I pray that you will get your vaccine soon!

Till next post, bye :>

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