short emotional post

December 23, 2019
Assalamualaikum and heyy! (waalaikumussalam)

So i'm writing this post while waiting for boarding at 1025hrs. TMI

I went to the Incheon airport by airport bus from Myeondong, alone. Alone = emotional.

The thought of leaving Korea got me to tears. Really. I didn't feel the emotions when I bid goodbye to my friends in Daegu because I'm still in Korea, just that I go to Seoul first. Now, with passport and boarding pass in my hand, its a fight between me and my tears.

In fact, I already cried in the bus hahahaha 

4 months as an exchange student, I admitted that I didnt have the mindset to study. I just want to experience new culture, new environment and getting new friends. Now that its a wrap, I feel so grateful to Him, because I only get to meet nice people here in Daegu. My classmates, groupmates, the uncles and aunties and even strangers that suddenly paid for our lunch made me wonder... do i deserve all this kindness?

Do I?
All of the people that I met here and are with me during this 4 months are so precious.

The only thing that I can do now is pray that everyone is healthy and we get the chances to meet again either in Korea or Malaysia or anywhere in this world! Till then, stay safe. Love you.
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