Daegu: Morning walk at Duryu Park
Assalamualaikum and hi! ((waalaikumussalam))
Me and the dumb squad have no class on Monday and we can't really handle boredom, so we've decided to go for a morning walk at Duryu Park (actually we've no.intention.at.all to get up early in the morning, its just that the weather forecast tells that it will start raining at 12:00 so yeah). Its kinda long journey because we had to go for 21 stops. Thank god buses in Korea provided free Wifi in their public buses.
We stop at Duryu Park station, not knowing which way to go. With basic korean that we have, we "confidently" ask the ahjussi there,
"Duryu geongwon odieyo?"
-to which the ahjussi kind of taken aback. After a while we realized, its actually a stupid question hahah. Its just the same as if you stop at KLCC station and ask people where is KLCC. Nevertheless, the ahjussi was really kind explaining which way to go (in Korean and lots of body language) because they don't know English.
The park is really spacious and lots of uncles and aunties went there for morning walk as well. No wonder they are so fit (not like us obviously). We literally went there for 'photoshoot' so all the uncles and aunties gave us weird look along the way.
The Duryu Park is really close to 83 Tower and E-World. Maybe next time, dumb squad? Until then, bye!