Recipes: Hotteok (Korean sweet pancake)

May 14, 2020
Greetings and assalamualaikum! (waalaikumussalam)

Pheww so long since my last post, I've missed blogging so much. I still got a few contents from Korea I didn't share yet, will share it with you guys next time. Besides from the Korea content, there is not much I have to share with you guys. Moreover, given the current situation we faced right now, I'm well kept in my smol lovely house. Plus, (i think all university students are like me), we've been bombarded by assignments so....yeah. I'm just writing this to escape for a while from that.

One thing I realized during MCO is that I've tried quite a few new recipes with my mom. Since now we are in the holy month of Ramadhan, we both get excited to try new dessert recipes for break fast. So I think why not I share with you guys the recipes that I've tried :)

First recipe that I want to share is, as in the title, Hotteok. From my previous post here, I've mentioned just how much I love hotteok. But the recipes that I will share today is the original Korean pancake with brown sugar filling instead of cheese filling, which I had in Busan. 

For dough
1 cup of water
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp yeast
2 cup flour
A pinch of salt
Mix all of the above and let dough expands.

For filling
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon powder
Nuts (whichever is okay, I used almond)

Spread a little bit flour on flat surface and knead the dough (to ensure the dough not sticky)
Take some of the dough (just nice to fit your palm) and make a round shape.
Flatten it a bit, put the filling, make it round again, repeat.
Heat your pan, put some oil, throw the smol round dough at the pan hahaha
Flatten your dough to make it well-cooked/well-fried? Yup.
Walah! Hotteok is done!
For visual aid, you can watch video tutorial here.

Till i write again, bye!
p/s: blogger interface is so cool now ahahah im in love <3

i tried my best to edit this picture hahahaha should practice to take nicer food picture

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