Daegu: Kim Kwangseok's Street

October 09, 2019
Assalamualaikum and hi! ((waalaikumussalam))

Its sunday, and we planned to go to Bongsan Culture Street (a street with many art galleries). However, the luck is not with us as the street is...empty. No people even though its weekend and even the art galleries are closed! Taken aback, we change our plan and go to Kim Kwangseok's Street instead. Luckily its not that far between those two places.

"Get up and try once again"

Kim Kwangseok is a famous folk rock singer during late 80s to late 90s. I searched about his songs and I fell in love. His song is very good, with deep lyrics. No wonder he is so influential (even got a street dedicated to him). My favorite would be Although I've Loved You and Becoming Dust (you probably know this one from the famous cover by Roy Kim and Jung Joonyoung).

The walls along the street are used to display Kim Kwangseok's famous song lyrics (I guess?) and beautiful paintings of him. Kim Kwangseok's song was also played through the speakers along the street (thats when I fell in love with his songs).

lyrics of Although I've Loved You

Updated: As I searched more about Kim Kwangseok, it turns out that he actually committed suicide. So this street was built in order to honor him (the street turns out to be near the place he used to live)

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