Surrounded with great people

March 29, 2018
Assalamualaikum //waalaikumussalam

Hi peeps! Yeah this is me, procrastinating. again.

I have this friend of mine (friend is it? I'm not really close to her but yeah we are classmates) who will further her studies in Universiti Al Azhar, Mesir and will depart this 7th April. I'm sooooo happy for her (and of course, jealous of her so much). I still remember when we were in form one, she showed me her 'life map' (that shows what her goal is and how she wants to achieve it). In the map she drew, stated that after she get good results in PMR, she wants to further her studies in KISAS. Get a good result in SPM and go to Al Azhar, Mesir. And basically, her dreams came true! Can you believe it?!

Next, another friend of mine that i really jealous of. She got the looks, the brain, the manners, the soft skills, you name it. She is really active with so many events that she have to handle but at the same time, she scored the te. I can't can she...I feel really small around her, like, she can do everything that I can and cannot do, easily. I still remember how she was forced to enter Arabic class during form one. She said that she hates it. And now, she is pursuing her studies in Arabic course.

And this last friend of mine that i want to share in this post. We basically known each other since primary school. We continue to stick together during secondary school, matriculation and here in university :') This friend, aih i don't know lah. She spend her time playing games and then suddenly she scored the test. Give me a piece of your brain can ah? I'm really jealous of how she can receive whatever the lecturer is teaching in one take. She can take a nap during lecture, and still, my input is the same as hers (i didn't take a nap!)

There are so many great people around me. So many people that I'm jealous of.

People said, surround yourself with great people. I do have great people around me. But somehow, it didn't triggered me to become one.

Instead, I take it as some thing that brings me down.

"Why I can't be like them?"
"Why I can't solve this small matter?"
"Why I don't have any confidence?"
"Why am I so stupid?"
"Why am I so dependent to people?"
"Why am I so fat?"
"Why am I not as pretty as my friend?"
"Why am I not a good daughter?"
"Why am I not a good friend?"

All this can't be stop.
Am i getting worse?

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